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Rosenthal/Conrad lab at UCSF seeks lab & analytical scientist to study African genomic, parasitologic & epidemiologic antimalarial drug resistance

The successful candidate will work along with a diverse team of scientists at UCSF and international collaborators to characterize the molecular epidemiology and mechanisms of antimalarial drug resistance in Africa.

The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to develop, optimize, and apply experiments to characterize genomic mediators of drug resistance, including genotype-phenotype associations to identify novel markers and mechanisms of antimalarial drug resistances. Successful candidates will be encouraged to develop an independent line of work in this area. Our team is directly involved in all aspects of data generation and analysis including clinical and epidemiologic studies in Africa, laboratory studies of malaria parasites in Africa and at UCSF, and utilization of complex analytical tools to identify meaningful associations. (Tumwebaze, et al., Lancet Microbe, 2021; Tumwebaze, et al., Nat Commun, 2022; Conrad, et al., New Engl J Med, 2023). We are also engaged with building research capacity and communicating with malaria policy makers in Africa. Competitive salary including full benefits will be provided commensurate with experience and qualifications, and the post offers ample opportunities for career development.

University of California San Francisco
San Framcisco
Closing date
June 8th, 2024
Posted on
May 8th, 2024 01:15
Last updated
May 8th, 2024 01:15