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Postdoctoral researcher to co-create innovate modelling tools for impact attribution of climate-related health risks.

About BSC

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) is the leading supercomputing center in Spain. It houses MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe, was a founding and hosting member of the former European HPC infrastructure PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), and is now hosting entity for EuroHPC JU, the Joint Undertaking that leads large-scale investments and HPC provision in Europe. The mission of BSC is to research, develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate scientific progress. BSC combines HPC service provision and R&D into both computer and computational science (life, earth and engineering sciences) under one roof, and currently has over 1000 staff from 60 countries.

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We are particularly interested for this role in the strengths and lived experiences of women and underrepresented groups to help us avoid perpetuating biases and oversights in science and IT research. In instances of equal merit, the incorporation of the under-represented sex will be favoured.

We promote Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, fostering an environment where each and every one of us is appreciated for who we are, regardless of our differences.

If you consider that you do not meet all the requirements, we encourage you to continue applying for the job offer. We value diversity of experiences and skills, and you could bring unique perspectives to our team.

Context And Mission

Despite increasing awareness of climate change impacts on health, our ability to quantify the extent to which climate change is responsible for worsening health outcomes remains limited. Health impact attribution studies can provide essential input into policy-making processes by quantifying the climate change related health burden via causally linking greenhouse gas emissions to observed health outcomes. This is crucial to informing health risk assessments, public health interventions, financial investments, and communication strategies aimed at policymakers and the public.

The Global Health Resilience (GHR) group led by ICREA Research Professor Rachel Lowe at the BSC-CNS is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to co-create innovate modelling tools for impact attribution of climate-related health risks. The selected candidate will work within the Wellcome Trust funded project TACTIC (HealTh ImpAct ToolkIt for Climate change attribution). The project will deliver a user-friendly and didactic digital toolkit comprising a series of resources tailored to the needs of policymakers, researchers and other professionals (public health, journalists, communication experts) to better comprehend, interpret and communicate findings and conduct new health impact attribution studies. Together with partners in South America, Africa and Europe, the successful candidate will co-devise new methodologies to fill knowledge gaps on important but rarely assessed climate change related health impacts (chronic kidney disease, mental and perinatal health, and climate-sensitive infectious diseases) and explore inequalities (e.g., age, sex and socioeconomic status) associated with climate change. The postdoctoral researcher will co-develop training materials (e.g., guidelines and hands-on tutorials with R code and example data) for different users (e.g., researchers, public health professionals) to learn how to combine historical counterfactual and future scenarios with epidemiological data and to apply the latest methodologies in health impact attribution. The candidate will work closely with the BSC Knowledge Integration team to co-develop health-impact stories to disseminate information generated in the project TACTIC to a broad audience, making the health impacts of climate change more tangible.

The GHR group conducts cutting-edge methodological research on disentangling the impacts of global environmental change on infectious disease risk and co-developing indicators and impact-based forecasting models to track historical disease risk patterns, generate predictions at sub-seasonal to decadal timescales, and conduct future scenario analyses in collaboration with public health, disaster risk management, and humanitarian agencies. This position presents an opportunity to work alongside a wide range of leading international climate and health scientists and practitioners delivering cutting-edge health impact attribution approaches to support decision-making, adaptation and mitigation planning, and allocation of loss and damage financing in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, and worldwide.

Successful candidates will benefit from expert training and BSC-CNS staff benefits: international multidisciplinary scientific environment and advanced applied research training. We encourage applications from highly motivated candidates with demonstrated experience in impact modelling for public health and an interest in applied research in the context of climate and environmental change.

For more information and to apply, please use the link.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Closing date
February 7th, 2025
Posted on
January 7th, 2025 12:52
Last updated
January 7th, 2025 12:52