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Postdoctoral position at Harvard University to work on infectious diseases and other health outcomes using Brazilian data.

Prof. Marcia Castro is seeking a highly-motivated and capable postdoctoral researcher with an interest in inter-disciplinary research, predominantly quantitative. The successful candidate will work with Dr. Castro on several projects related to infectious diseases and other health outcomes in Brazil. The work involves the analysis of large datasets assembled from varied data sources, with the goal of assessing determinants of disease transmission at the subnational. Results of the work will inform control strategies.

The successful candidate will have an opportunity to collaborate on research papers and to develop and extend skills in statistical analysis, drafting grant proposals, creating analytical frameworks, and preparing manuscripts for publication.

Applicants should have a PhD/doctoral degree in epidemiology, statistics, demography, or a related quantitative field. Candidates should also have the following:

  1. Strong quantitative, analytical, and writing skills
  2. Research experience
  3. Expert knowledge of R and/or Stata
  4. Demonstrated ability to work independently

Training in spatial statistical analysis and GIS is desirable. Knowledge of basic Portuguese is helpful, but not needed.

The position is based in Boston and is for one year, with the potential for renewal for an additional year.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Closing date
November 15th, 2018
Posted on
August 28th, 2018 22:51
Last updated
August 28th, 2018 22:51