Post-doctoral position in spatial epidemiology and phylodynamic

The postdoctoral position is funded by an ANR JCJC project named IDEAL. The successful applicant will work on quantifying the contribution of genomic analyses to the understanding of marine pathogen spread and identification of drivers. He/she will be specialized in spatial and molecular epidemiology and aim at exploring relevant contrasting scenarios to compare and integrate together spatio-statistical and phylogeographic models to detect factor impacts on pathogen spatial distribution and spread.

He/She will:
• develop a simulation pipeline using an existing agent-based transmission chain simulator to simulate entire epidemics of farmed marine bivalves in space and time, and subsequently generate fictitious occurrence and molecular data compatible with real datasets.
• compare both spatio-statistical and phylogeographic analytical to assess to what extent and under which specific conditions the different analytical methodologies allow identifying and quantifying the impact of factors on the distribution and dispersal of pathogenic organisms.
Three aspects will receive particular attention: i) impacted epidemiological parameters; ii) monitoring and diagnosis conditions; and iii) evolutionary rates of pathogens. The data simulated within the framework of the different scenarios identified will be used to evaluate and compare the methods available for testing the impact of factors on the spread of pathogens.
The hired postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for leading the publication resulting from this research.

• Internal collaborative relationship:
The successful applicant will be supervised by the coordinator of the project Maude Jacquot (IFREMER, ASIM), researcher in molecular epidemiology and will be working closely with project collaborators at IFREMER (ASIM, LPI, SeBiMER).

• External collaborative relationship:
The successful applicant will be co-supervised by Simon Dellicour from the Spatial Epidemiology Lab (SpELL) hosted at the University of Brussels (ULB, Belgium), who is an expert on methodological developments and applications in landscape phylogeography. Regular remote meetings with S. Dellicour will be organized and the recruited researcher will visit him at SpELL at least twice during its contract.

La Tremblade
Closing date
November 3rd, 2024
Posted on
October 11th, 2024 08:10
Last updated
October 17th, 2024 12:52