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PhD position on how the dynamic structure of healthcare networks impacts the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

The Institute for Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology (IIK) at the Medical Centre -University of Freiburg, Germany, seeks to recruit, starting 1 May 2024, a PhD student to join our Quantitative and Predictive Infectious Disease Epidemiology team as part of the ARCANE project, furthering our understanding of the effect of healthcare network on the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

The objective of this project is to better understand how the dynamic structure of healthcare networks impacts the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria at the regional, national, and transnational level, with the aim of proposing efficient strategies to control this spread. In particular, we will explore the role of temporal changes in networks, hospitalization characteristics and the nature of seeding events. In order to do this, we will develop an approach combining data analysis, mathematical modelling and computer simulations.

The ARCANE project is collaborative project, funded by both ANR and DFG, in which the Uniklinik Freiburg will be joining forces with the EHESP (Rennes, France), University of Münster (Germany), INSERM (Paris, France), and CNAM (Paris, France).

Applicants should have should have a strong background in mathematical modelling, bioinformatics, computer programming, and/or statistics, and have a masters degree in Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Medicine, or related fields.

PhD position
University Hospital Freiburg
Closing date
January 31st, 2024
Posted on
December 20th, 2023 08:13
Last updated
December 20th, 2023 08:13