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Opportunity to conduct epidemiological research on vaccines and vaccination programs with Dr. Nicole Basta @IDEpiPhD @BastaLab @McGillEBOH @McGillU

The Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health (EBOH) in the School of Population and Global Health at McGill University invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in vaccine epidemiology. McGill University is a top-ranked research-intensive university founded in 1821 and located in Montreal, Canada. The postdoctoral fellow will be supervised by Dr. Nicole E. Basta, PhD MPhil, Associate Professor in EBOH. The fellow will work in collaboration with Dr. Basta to take a leading role and to contribute to multiple studies with the goal of (1) understanding the impact of vaccines and vaccination programs, (2) evaluating and improving vaccine uptake in diverse settings, and (3) assessing infectious disease prevention and control strategies locally and globally. Applicants should have an interest in infectious disease prevention and control and experience with epidemiologic methods and quantitative statistical analyses. This position is designed for an applicant who is broadly interested in vaccine epidemiology and who is eager to both contribute to ongoing research and to develop new research projects of mutual interest in consultation with Dr. Basta. Applicants will have the opportunity to contribute to ongoing research which may include evaluation of the breadth and duration of meningococcal B and meningococcal A vaccines and efforts to understand low uptake and to intervene to increase uptake of influenza, measles, and HPV vaccines, depending upon interests and data availability. Applicants will also have the opportunity to develop new project ideas by taking advantage of the resources available at McGill and in Canada and with research collaborators internationally, including by using existing data and publicly available datasets.

McGill University
Closing date
November 15th, 2020
Posted on
August 5th, 2020 02:59
Last updated
August 5th, 2020 02:59