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Infectious Diseases Dynamics and Interventions group seeking postdocs to work on population models of respiratory and pandemic infections

In the Infectious Diseases Dynamics and Interventions group (co-led by Professor James Wood & Scientia Lecturer Alexandra Hogan), we use infectious disease models to inform the design, implementation, and effectiveness of population health interventions, particularly vaccines and immunotherapeutics. We apply a range of mathematical and statistical techniques, including differential equations, computational methods, stochastic processes, and optimisation theory. We are currently working on a program of research that focusses on transmission and immunological models for respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 and RSV and are seeking to expand our group to enhance our research capacity in this area. Positions are funded by NHMRC Partnership and Investigator grants, with a strong focus on translational outcomes that have the potential to inform policy and practice.

PhD position
UNSW Sydney
Closing date
June 16th, 2024
Posted on
May 23rd, 2024 03:44
Last updated
May 23rd, 2024 03:44