The closing date for this job has passed; return to the main list for other jobs

Expert statistician in epidemiology and biology


As part of the COVID-19 outbreak, the engineerâ‹…e will participate in the team's work in statistical analysis, development of computer programs with graphical interface and database management.

The ideal candidate will have a very robust background in mathematics and statistics, as well as good algorithmic and programming skills. He/she will be able to design original data analysis strategies independently.

Experience with database management and/or background in epidemiology and biology will be an asset.

  • basic and advanced statistical analysis

  • cleaning, creation, maintenance of databases

  • development of statistical pipelines with a graphical interface

  • report writing

  • interaction with local and national public health actors

  • advanced knowledge in statistics: mastery of inferences by generalized linear mixed models and multivariate analysis

  • advanced programming skills in high-level languages (scripts and applications should be developed in R)

  • ability to quickly familiarize oneself with new quantitative approaches and to learn the statistical and computer techniques used in a new field

  • good basic knowledge of algorithms

  • basic skills in user interfacing

  • fluency in English (written, read, spoken)
    Work Context

The MIVEGEC laboratory in Montpellier is at the forefront of research on the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases with multidisciplinary approaches.

Within the laboratory, the Theoretical and Experimental Evolution team is the one that develops the most approaches involving mathematical and statistical modelling. It includes two CNRS Research Directors, an Assistant Professor, two IRD CRCNs, and a research engineer.

This work is part of the COVID-19 pandemic and is funded by the Occitanie Region and the ANR under the COVID Flash call. Since March 2020, the ETE team has produced numerous analyses and reports available at

The engineerâ‹…e will be under the direct supervision of Mircea Sofonea and Samuel Alizon but will interact directly with the other members, permanent or precarious, of the team. Weekly meetings are organised.
Constraints and risks

The main constraint of this job is the recurrent lack of space in the premises. The agents currently have less than 6m2 per person and the pressure is more intense every day.

The risks linked to the activity are those linked to prolonged work on a screen.
Additional Information

Applications are currently underway to secure funding for the engineer for 2022 (12 months extension on the 4 already funded).

Closing date
October 22nd, 2021
Posted on
October 16th, 2021 23:51
Last updated
October 16th, 2021 23:51