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We are looking for a candidate for the PhD project titled “DATA-DRIVEN MODELING OF DISEASE TRANSMISSION INTEGRATING RISK PERCEPTION AND ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR” at the PhD School Pierre Louis of public health, Epidemiology and Biomedical Information Sciences (Ecole doctorale Pierre Louis de santé publique, ED 393 Epidémiologie et Sciences de l'Information Biomédicale) of Sorbonne Université, in Paris, France.

The PhD student will be supervised by Dr. Vittoria Colizza, Head of Research in the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health at INSERM and Sorbonne Université, Equipe 1 Surveillance and modeling of communicable diseases, leading the EPIcx lab. The project will be done in collaboration with Prof. Alessia Melegaro at the DONDENA Center of Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
About the PhD project: Human behavior and epidemics are two mutually interacting complex phenomena. While mathematical models started integrating behavioral aspects in the last decade, the lack of empirical data limited the possibility of identifying and confirming assumed plausible behaviors, parameterizing such behaviors, and understanding the temporal determinants, changes, and adaptation during an outbreak or a pandemic. Using data from a multi-country survey on individual risk perception, adoption of self-initiated preventive behaviors, and contacts, coordinated by Prof. Melegaro, this PhD project aims to: i) characterize the behavioral response changes in response to an epidemic context and to public health interventions; ii) identify individual, social, and environmental drivers triggering such behaviors; iii) couple behaviour and epidemic dynamics in a unified modelling framework for a more realistic description of the infectious disease dynamics. The project will focus on France, but partnerships with different countries will allow multi-country comparisons.
About EPIcx lab: vibrant, hard-working, enthusiastic. We were at the forefront of COVID-19 pandemic response informing public health agencies and authorities, and we keep working in outbreak response and applied public health. Our research interests and scientific production can be found in our research page and publications page.
About the PhD candidate: You have a Master degree in applied mathematics, physics, statistics, data science, or related fields. You have experience with mathematical and/or statistical modeling, programming and numerical simulations, data analysis. You are fluent in English written and oral communication. You are committed and work well in team.
About the PhD funding options:
• The candidate will apply to be selected for the PhD funding proposed by the PhD school. A doctoral contract currently corresponds to a gross salary of €2044.12/month. It is allocated for 2+1 years. An increase in the minimum remuneration for contract doctoral students is set to continue in the following years: from January 1, 2024: €2,100 gross; from January 1, 2025: 2,200 euros gross; from January 1, 2026: 2,300 euros gross. Deadline to apply for the PhD funding: June 14, 2024. Additional information on the selection procedure is found on the PhD School webpage.
• Other PhD funding options are available and will be discussed with the selected candidate.
To apply:
• Send a CV and a letter of motivation to specifying in the email subject the title of this call. Please include in your CV the contact information of who could be contacted to support your application (e.g. Master project supervisor).
• After the candidate is selected, their dossier of candidature to apply for funding will be prepared, in collaboration with the PhD supervisor.
• We review applications on a rolling basis.

PhD position
PhD School Pierre Louis of public health & Sorbonne University
Closing date
June 14th, 2024
Posted on
May 16th, 2024 09:27
Last updated
May 16th, 2024 09:27