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3-year postdoc to linking within- and between- host levels of virus evolution (HIV, HCV, HBV).

We are advertising for a 3-year postdoc to work on the evolution of chronic viral infections (e.g. HIV, HCV, HBV), with the specific aim of linking within- and between-host levels of evolution. If you are interested in viruses, like thinking about evolutionary problems, and enjoy maths or programming, this could be for you. You will join Dr Katrina Lythgoe’s Evolution of Viral Infections Research group at the Big Data Institute, University of Oxford, whose members collaborate closely with the Pathogen Dynamics Research Group led by Prof Christophe Fraser.

Depending on your strengths and interests, you will develop within-host models of viral evolution that can be tested using within-host sequencing data, and/or develop new mathematical modelling frameworks describing viral evolution across multiple scales (within- and between-hosts) that can be used to generate testable predictions. We are looking to appoint at either Junior or Senior postdoctoral levels, and although we have some projects in mind, there is flexibility over the specific project and methods to be used (e.g. mathematical modelling, evolutionary analysis of sequencing data, etc). Please contact Katrina Lythgoe if you would like more information.

Big Data Institute, University of Oxford
Closing date
October 25th, 2018
Posted on
October 3rd, 2018 11:50
Last updated
October 3rd, 2018 11:50