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2 TB vaccine modelling jobs at LSHTM, as Assistant Prof or Research Fellow

The successful applicants will work on, and depending on level lead, a range of exciting modelling and economic projects to create modelling evidence on the likely impact, cost and cost-effectiveness of BCG revaccination and the M72/AS01E vaccine for decision making by global stakeholders eg WHO and BMGF.

The successful applicants will be supervised by Prof Richard White and Prof Nick Menzies (Harvard), and will join a highly successful and supportive TB modelling group in London. There is considerable scope to take initiative for research within the field, in collaboration with colleagues at LSHTM and international partners. The project will involve a range of complex and original scientific research that requires a high degree of personal motivation.

Early career faculty
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
United Kingdom
Closing date
January 5th, 2020
Posted on
November 29th, 2019 13:31
Last updated
November 29th, 2019 13:31