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Postdoc in Modelling for Rift Valley Fever Vaccines Impact and Trial Feasibility

The Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology group (QVE)at Wageningen University is looking for a researcher in infectious disease modeling who is interested in using spatial statistical techniques to predict the spillover risk to humans in a livestock-mosquito-human disease system and use those predictions to assess the feasibility of vaccine efficacy trials and investigate the impact of vaccination programs in both humans and animals. You will be a part of a large consortium Larissa that was recently funded a Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations grant to continue the development of a vaccine for Rift Valley Fever. that was recently funded a Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations grant to continue the development of a vaccine for Rift Valley Fever.

Luckily, you are not doing this alone. You will work and be embedded in the Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology group – a group of disease modellers and statisticians at the Animal Sciences department of Wageningen University with ample experience in modeling and analysing diseases that move between multiple host species, either directly or facilitated by vectors. For this project, your main supervisors will be Quirine ten Bosch and Boris V. Schmid.

Wageningen University
Closing date
January 8th, 2024
Posted on
December 15th, 2023 07:14
Last updated
December 15th, 2023 07:14