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Interested in the ecology and epidemiology of wildlife diseases?

We are advertising two projects, as part of the BBSRC Wessex Onea Health Doctoral landscape at Sussex.

Two PhD positions: infectious diseases in wildlife
Interested in the ecology and epidemiology of wildlife diseases?
We are advertising two projects, as part of the BBSRC Wessex Onea Health Doctoral landscape at Sussex.

  1. Potential role of gamebirds in the epidemiology of avian influenza.
    Summary: High pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) is a severe viral disease affecting birds with significant zoonotic risk, currently impacting wild bird and poultry populations in Europe. The project aims to understand the impact of gamebird releases on wild bird populations and avian influenza dynamics in the UK, using both theoretical and data-driven approaches to provide evidence and recommendations for mitigating pathogen risk.
    Supervisory team: Pierre Nouvellet (University of Sussex) and Ashley Banyard (Animal & Plant Health Agency)
    See full project details here.

  2. Understanding transmission pathways of European Bat Lyssavirus 1 (rabies) to inform control strategy.
    Summary: European Bat Lyssavirus I, a rabies virus primarily found in serotine bats, was first identified in the UK in 2018. Recent cases in Somerset and Devon suggest it is spreading, highlighting the need to understand its future transmission. The PhD project will investigate the ecology and population dynamics of serotine bats, using advanced tracking and analysis to identify human transmission risks and explore surveillance and control strategies.
    Supervisory team: Fiona Mathews (University of Sussex), Dan Horton (Animal & Plant Health Agency) and Pierre Nouvellet (University of Sussex).
    See full project details here.

Submission Deadline: Midnight, Friday 28th February 2025
Shortlisting: by 10th March 2025
Interviews: Online, week beginning 24th March 2025

For the full list of projects and instructions on how to apply see findAPhD website.
The findAPhD advert also include information on the Application Process, and Funding&Eligibility (note that a small number of international fee waivers will be available),

PhD position
University of Sussex
United Kingdom
Closing date
February 28th, 2025
Posted on
February 3rd, 2025 10:48
Last updated
February 3rd, 2025 10:48